Does your cash register solution meet the future digital requirements from SKAT?

The effort against undeclared work in the retail industry has been turned up. From January 1st, 2024, it will be mandatory for several companies with a turnover of less than DKK 10 million to use digital cash register solutions.

September 9, 2021
By Søren Brammer Riis

More specifically, these are cafés, pubs, discos, pizzerias, grill bars, ice cream shops, grocery stores, 24-hour kiosks, and restaurants - a total of approx. 12,500 companies. In addition, all businesses where Skatteforvaltningen finds insufficient registration of sales can be required to use a digital cash register solution as early as July 1st, 2021.

The initiative is a follow-up to a political agreement under the headline "Strengthened efforts against undeclared work", which a majority of the parliamentary parties entered into in September 2017.

In the wake of the agreement, Skatteforvaltningen has carried out an analysis that shows that in the above industries, errors occur more often in connection with the registration of sales compared to other industries. This is not only honest mistakes but intentional fraud to a great extent.

SKAT's current requirements for invoicing

When you sell exclusively or primarily to private consumers, you can print a receipt for your customer through your checkout solution or issue a simplified invoice. A receipt and a simplified invoice must contain the same information - except for the "consecutive number," which is only required for the invoice. These are currently the following requirements:

  • Company name or registration number (CVR no./SE no.)
  • Date of issue
  • Type of delivery
  • The size of the VAT amount
  • Sequential number/invoice number (only valid for invoice)

With the abovementioned requirements, your cash register solution does not have to be digital to be approved by SKAT, but this will change for the previously mentioned industries. This means that if you belong to one of the abovementioned industries, have a turnover of less than 10 million, and do not own a digital cash register solution, you will be forced to invest in one.


How can we help?

Our cash register solution 52ViKING is an integrated server/client solution that automatically leaves a complete transaction track over time. This means that we will be able to deliver reports and standard extracts that match the public authorities' requirements already now and in the future after 2024.

As a customer of Fiftytwo, you can therefore be sure to live up to the future requirements from SKAT without having to do more - however, it requires that you upgrade to the latest release during 2023.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.